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ecco-domenica t1_jbe7h0d wrote

New Hampshire funds everything from property taxes and my understanding is they are crazy high.


Oldphile t1_jbeloy7 wrote

Depends on where you live. My property tax is less than $5,000. With no sales tax and no income tax this works for me.


SLZicki t1_jbgasbd wrote

Less than 3k where I live in Maine.


Oldphile t1_jbh7zax wrote

Yeah but how much income tax and sales tax do you pay?


20thMaine t1_jbjxxty wrote

Same prop tax here and I pay less than $2k in income taxes. Couldn’t tell you on the sales tax tho


SyntheticCorners28 t1_jbha3x8 wrote

2200 here and haven't gone up by more than 100 bucks in 8 years.


Oldphile t1_jbhbmy6 wrote

Total state taxes is my question. I can say without a doubt $5,000. for me. Mainers, tell me what you think are your total state taxes.