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nogzila t1_jbfbm0o wrote

I agree people always make a deal about the state tax but that state will get its money somehow. Certain houses in certain counties in New Hampshire was ridiculous when I was looking to buy there .

A 350 k house with 12 k yearly tax bill which would mean you could pay the house off and still owe 1000 bucks a month .

But hey no sales tax …


BigNutzBlue t1_jbfphsn wrote

Exactly. His co workers must not own property. NH makes up for no income/sales tax by having high property taxes. It all washes out in the end no matter where you live.


TranscendentPretzel t1_jbgayrb wrote

Property tax is worse, though because at least with income tax, you only pay tax on money you have. If you don't make any money, you don't pay taxes. With property tax, you have to keep paying even after your home is paid off, after retirement when you're on a fixed income, or if you lose your job and have no income, the state doesn't care. They will literally take your home that you spent your entire life paying off because you owe property taxes. If you can't tell, I have issues with property taxes. You never really own anything because of them. You're essentially renting from the state.


SomeDudeUpHere t1_jbhbctb wrote

But in Maine, you still pay property tax. Depends on income level, but I pay way more in Maine income tax than the difference would be in property tax.

Edit: I don't understand the downvotes. My home in Maine vs being in NH might cost me like 2k less per year, but I pay way more in Maine income tax than 2 grand.


Beasagdeux t1_jbu7zkz wrote

If you are paying 'way more' than $2K in Maine income taxes then you are making WAY MORE than most Mainer's ever will.... which is probably why you are being downvoted. Totally not fair.. but some people do start getting twitchy when 'rich' people bitch about paying income taxes.

But you aren't wrong. The reality is that the mill rate in NH is all over the place.. the same as the mill rates in Maine. In some towns it's $5 in others it's $30.

Everyone says 'oh NH property taxes are so much higher'... and back in the day.. they used to be. MUCH higher. But these days.. not so much.


SomeDudeUpHere t1_jbun0kd wrote

You're right. Looked it over, and I don't pay way more than 2k. But it's basically a wash. Yeah, I used the 2k number based on towns in each state that I know roughly what the rates are, though you're right that some maine towns absolutely have higher rates than some NH towns


Old_Cockroach_2993 t1_jbh5k52 wrote

Here in Jersey we would have that property tax bill and 7% sales tax. Well close to that, well I just looked ...9 10k ugh