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PelvisPresley208 t1_jcuvm3v wrote

Uhh.. have you ever talked to a farmer? I think one might starve if you can’t pick and choose your battles.


fruitofthepast t1_jcuw88m wrote

After learning of the harm both of these businesses have done, I no longer feel comfortable spending my money at their shops. Luckily I haven't lived near either for a few years now so it's not exactly difficult.


New_Sun6390 t1_jcuwtxd wrote

I don't visit any of those franchise places and instead support local establishments.


SagesseBleue t1_jcv044u wrote

"Boycott" is a strong word for me. Neither have any products that appeal to me so I'd never patronize them in the first place - but throw in their political views and advocacy and that would give me an extra layer of rationale to steer clear.


Ebomb1 t1_jcv2dje wrote

I've never been to one and have no plans to.


Sufficient-Squash428 t1_jcv2kfp wrote


Don't care for Chick-fil-A, I dig the Colonel Sanders 11 herbs & spices. Popeye's is #2 choice.

As for Hobby Lobby, meh, it's nice but it's like Michaels & it's closed on Sundays.

Chick closed on Sundays too. If Hobby has something I want & they're open, I buy.


CarlHungus2 t1_jcv368l wrote

Both places are not as good as people think/worth the effort. Their shitty political and religious views just guve me incentive to avoid them entirely.


Technical-Role-4346 OP t1_jcv3mad wrote

Nice to know but I was referring to the corporate owners who have been accused of supporting “traditional marriage”. I have no firsthand knowledge of their views but have heard that some universities will not allow a Chick-Fil-A franchise on campus.


ScarletFire21 t1_jcv63pg wrote

I don’t really care that much and try not to politicize everything. I buy stuff off Amazon, use Google, own Apple products…..AND to top it off, I own shares in all of those companies. Politically, I do not agree with any of their leaders, certain things they say, working conditions, or overall “faux-progressive” nature.

But, that’s not how business works. I like having a MacBook Pro, so I will give money to apple. I like Amazon, so I will keep spending money there. I like Chick-fil-A’s food, so I will spend money there. Consumer and commodity businesses should be transactional, not emotional.

The government wants you to think of everything in terms of politics so that we can become more divided. A divided nation is easier to puppeteer and subvert.

Go eat the chicken sandwiches and enjoy some good food without being angry at the world. Pick your battles, It’s just chicken.


hogrider01 t1_jcv6qh8 wrote

The Chinese have views on everything that’s unpopular today but we keep supporting their garbage. So I say leave the politics to the politicians and support Americans


IamSauerKraut t1_jcv81hd wrote

No, no boycott. I just find other places better serve my needs.


Patsaholic t1_jcv8zyu wrote

This post has jokes. “Boycotting” the handful of these companies is so going to hurt them. /s


DidDunMegasploded t1_jcv9pnv wrote

Is this a rhetorical question? In a subreddit for a state known more for local fare than chain fare?


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jcv9vsm wrote

I don't boycott it, no. The closest one is like an hour away and honestly, their food sucks anyways, in my opinion. So, I'm not going waste money on food I dislike 🤷


Reziztor t1_jcva3mk wrote

Some of Chick-fil-A's most ardent supporters practically started a boycott themselves recently due to the chain experimenting with a fried cauliflower vegetarian sandwich—which the MAGA crowd deemed a "woke" sandwich. Fucking hilarious.


LolaB207 t1_jcvaofj wrote

Yes, I have never and will never be a customer of either business.


jwadeglass t1_jcvc3yf wrote

I deleted my comments. I didn’t realize this was going m to make me look homophobic. I’m 1000% not. I support anything anyone who wants to do to live their true life. This was not for internet points. I was just answering a question about liking fast food. To call me stupid is unnecessary and just plain mean. I’ve never even heard of homophobe bird. You need to take it easy on people man and stop making assumptions. You don’t know me.


Squidworth89 t1_jcvecz8 wrote

Given how busy they always are I think some of you are lying.


Small_Listen2083 t1_jcveir6 wrote

Haha, people will go out and buy the newest Jordan's and Apple what ever the fucks from China where kids are slaving and adults are also slaving for little to no wages and you're all pissed off about thier personal beliefs? I don't do crafts so I don't go to craft stores and I don't go to CFA because the lines are too fucking long but if I needed a craft I am going to the closest place I can find it. And if I am somewhere and a CFA is served to me I'm going to eat it. Ya'll fight the wonkiest battles.


Squidworth89 t1_jcvelgt wrote

I’m hard pressed to use the owners word… they’re not like most franchises. Brad and Jeremy don’t really own anything. It’s more you apply for being the GM and get nice bonuses if it does well.


Slice-O-Pie t1_jcvftxg wrote

Do I give/withhold my trade to/from a business based on my knowledge of that business?



Vexans t1_jcvggdy wrote

I do not go to either business.


Notmystationbro t1_jcvhl4i wrote

I suggest the people that boycott CFA should boycott the gasoline they put into their vehicles because of the treatment of LGBT people in the Middle East. I’ll hold my breath to these simp virtue signalers.


SadExtension524 t1_jcvhu8n wrote

I do not spend my money at either of these establishments because of their bigoted and oppressive viewpoints.


Emmetottersmanager t1_jcvif4g wrote

I don't hate, I appreciate (Popeyes). Tastes better, less guilt. I agree that it is tough to avoid ALL companies that don't share my value system, but I do my best. I also don't expect everyone to agree with me. It's not the Maine way.


WackMagicWoahman t1_jcvkc6c wrote

I boycott them because I never want to wait in the 50 car line.


Snoo_4108 t1_jcvlcbx wrote

For those prices just buy good food


DidDunMegasploded t1_jcvlnow wrote

"Homophobe bird" is a fancy term for Chick-Fil-A. A lot of people support it, and as an aroace person, it irks me. Even moreso when the food isn't really all what it's cracked up to be.

I've seen a lot of stupidity on this subreddit...guess I jumped the gun with you. My apologies, and thank you for deleting your comments.


Squidworth89 t1_jcvn8w2 wrote

I don't support their views but they sure have a lot of people employed there... at bout $12 a meal it's pretty decent. I can't eat mcdonalds level of garbage and small scale local places all end up being like $20 for lunch these days. Had a bloody salad the other day for the same price as CFA and was still hungry.


Stillman_Steve t1_jcvnh4n wrote

Yea, but for a different set of reasons. Do you have any idea what is in that stuff?


1donkey1 t1_jcvq0q9 wrote

There is only one Chick-fil-A in Maine- Bangor. I believe there is Lu one Popeye’s as well - Gardner. It’s not likely you are choosing one over the other on any given day.


kintokae t1_jcvurj0 wrote

I do enjoy rearranging the wood letters they have on the end caps. Usually spelling something like birth control, anal, or other random phrases. I found if you mix them into other letters around it and make it look squared off, people don’t notice it right away.


LordG20 t1_jcvw3u5 wrote

The I phone you use is probably made with slave labor in China. The cobalt for batteries in a lot of electronics and electric cars are mined by children in Africa. Boycotting U.S businesses is truly First World Problem Bullshit.


PlentyCommission166 t1_jcw75fu wrote

I gave up on them almost a decade ago. If I want a chicken sandwich I make it myself. Plus they give my husband acid reflux, so no thanks.


hanjanss t1_jcwc3jg wrote

I'm trans but a good chicken sandwich is a good chicken sandwich


siebzy t1_jcwdoo7 wrote

I don't hate anyone I just don't particularly understand why people like that restaurant. The fact that they have hateful owners is just an extra reason not to bother with a fast food place.


TheRealMemonty t1_jcwfmhz wrote

I've never been to either place, and I have no plans to do business with them.


bugdude666 t1_jcwkahw wrote

Michael’s is superior to hobby lobby imo and even in Maine the local fried chicken is better than chick fil a so it was never really an issue for me.


SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_jcxm7ct wrote

I don’t like their religious crap, but I really dislike the bland, shitty food. I’ll never understand the obsession.


Swimming-Surprise-50 t1_jcxrapg wrote

Anyone that does so is a fool you shouldn’t waste your time socializing with. They are some of the nicest girls and boys working there. Anyone hating it is stupid!


vsanna t1_jcxunzb wrote

Yes in as much as I "boycott" chains in general. But if I had to choose between Chick-fil-A and something else I'd definitely go with a place whose ownership isn't trying to make life hell for some of my friends and family.


No-Comment-749 t1_jcy8ncw wrote

I boycott chick fil a because it’s not good, not because they hate gays


Beginning_Key2167 t1_jcy9qh6 wrote

I have had any desire to go to either place. But I definitely will never go to either now.


Mack10_SHR t1_jcyhqvt wrote

Yes. Chick Fil A is a terrible company. The two “gay” guys that own the Westbrook store are complete frauds. I’d love to picket the store if anyone would like to join me


johnfoley77 t1_jcyhvmn wrote

Yes to both, I vote with my feet and my wallet.


Countvernon t1_jd0nhdq wrote

I have been boycotting a few disappointing companies lately, but i want to try chick’s chicken sauces, but won’t . I try also to avoid Home Depot, and would not buy a “my pillow.“ i like popeyes. I think the upper management of Popeye’s is well integrated and the spicy chicken is good. Used to be Popeyes in Newport


Sufficient_Risk1684 t1_jd3zv42 wrote

Very devise views sure, but they are by no means unpopular with probably 1/3 of the population holding similiar.


mainebitch1 t1_jdiovmt wrote

Dumb, anybody that does that is dumb. If i want a good chicken sandwich im going to chick fil a. The only one that suffers is you, people appreciate a good product. Your hippy dippy bs effects you more then anything else. Besides they are religious it is not something i understand but i also dont care what anyone thinks...