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wise_owl68 t1_jddnymg wrote

This frustrates me because I just looked at Maine's community colleges job portal and there are no jobs. I just graduated with my Masters in writing with the desire to teach but there's nothing available.


redchampagnecampaign t1_jddrsmy wrote

I taught at a community college in Ohio before moving here and tried my hardest to get something, anything at a CC around here and nothin’

I had a friend tell me that a lot of the adjunct positions at CCs in Maine are taken by retired professors, often from prestigious universities, who move to Maine and decided they’d like to teach a bit still. I don’t know how true that actually is but it seems plausible.


middayramadanbuffet t1_jdhxdaw wrote

You’re at the wrong place. All the schools post openings on Serving Schools. You can set up alerts. Lots of jobs. So many jobs.