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cheese_tits_mobile t1_jbxchtp wrote

r/onejoke and Ratio’d again. Give up bro, it’s over, everyone here knows you’re wrong, you’re on the wrong side of history and you always will be. You’ll be forgotten as an old fashioned bigot and no one will want to wipe your ass in your sunset days because you’re an insufferable, crusty, unwashed taint. You will die alone, and when you do, everyone will breathe a sigh of relief that you are gone. What a sad waste of a life.


GuavaGood5835 t1_jbxobsq wrote

Typical, far leftists, nothing els to say to through insults until you think something will stick, im not worried about my future i make more than enough to be fine, the only insufferable thing here is the fact that you moved here and brought your broke ideas with you, call me what you sant but im sure your living in portland with 300k in stufent loan debt crying about how the worlds unfair go home we dont need or want you here