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3490goat t1_jd8wwdd wrote

I think the fact that is has worked well for other countries is the best reason to take a good look at the idea. The reality of American excellence has faded over time and we should start again to incorporate great ideas from other countries that work better. America has been surpassed in many areas in the last 40 years and we need to catch up on technology and infrastructure


WalkerBRiley t1_jd9hmki wrote

I think the fact that is has worked well for other countries is the main reason Americans are so against it. If it works somewhere else it can't be good, amirite?


3490goat t1_jd9itfb wrote

I think that is is attitude a lot of people have. Unfortunately


ralphy1010 t1_jdaewya wrote

I dunno man, I see a lot of European cars on the road everyday. They must be doing something right. /s