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t1_jc1vgez wrote

There's a screen, right in front of you, that shows you what you scanned...


OP t1_jc1zc65 wrote

You know what you could have said instead of being condescending? You could have said, “hey, thanks for the heads up.”

I don’t think there is a single person who doesn’t know the items are listed on the screen, but when your scanning 50 items most people don’t really pay close attention.

Source: have worked in customer service.


t1_jc1zw7q wrote

if you’re scanning 50 items, you probably shouldn’t be in the self scan


OP t1_jc20kaz wrote

They have express and non express self checkouts. Also when there is only one cashier for the entire store and eight self checkouts that are not being used, you’re going to go to the self checkout.


t1_jc3b7tn wrote

Whoa the self checkouts are 15 item or less lanes? I uhh. I never knew that. I definitely have always used them with lots of things. Oop. Sorry people


OP t1_jc4vrid wrote

The ones that are 15 items or less are clearly marked. Not all of them are and unless it's super busy nobody is going to care anyway.


t1_jc22vkr wrote

During self check out, I absolutely look at every item.


OP t1_jc4vnbp wrote

No you don't.


t1_jc4vwuy wrote

Yes, I sure do.


OP t1_jc4w0vu wrote

No, you don't.


t1_jc4w98j wrote

You can keep saying that, doesn't make it true. Wasn't aware that you and I had been shopping together


t1_jc4wl4m wrote



t1_jc4x627 wrote

Jesus - ableist much?? What the actual fuck.

For.the record, when OP dirty deletes this, she wrote 'I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to someone with autism.'


OP t1_jc4xci4 wrote

Why would I delete this? Also this thread died many hours ago, so nobody is going to read your dumb comments.


t1_jc4xwd5 wrote

And yet, here you are.

You're just wrong. Sorry for your luck


t1_jc4zkgj wrote

Op is such a liar! He dragged me back here so I'm reading EVERY comment. I see you and appreciate you Z 😂


OP t1_jc4y1wh wrote

It's my thread dummy, I get notified every time some idiot posts a comment here. Nobody else is going to see your comments so I hope you enjoy talking to someone who thinks you are a moron.


t1_jc5y9lf wrote

Because it’s something you can get banned for.

Considering your behavior in this thread, I’d honestly be surprised if you deleted it even knowing that.


t1_jc50p07 wrote

Ohhhh so you're ableist. Well that explains your aggression quite well! Ableists always have that innate anger bottled up from seeing a "cripple" or two on the street.


t1_jc21ewu wrote

Idk about you, but when I use self check out I scan and look at the screen before anything goes in my bag. 1 item or 50, doesn't matter. Takes 2 seconds to check the screen before proceeding. It's not rocket science. Scan, look, bag, repeat. Also, if you're paying attention, you can call over an employee and they can remove the item that was not supposed to be there.

Also, if you have so many items you probably should just go to a regular register anyways...

Source: I am customer who doesn't want to pay more than is necessary to for the stuff I need.


t1_jc1wy2h wrote

All self checkouts I’ve seen have a volume button at the bottom of the screen to adjust the volume/turn the beep on or off.


OP t1_jc1z1k7 wrote

Not the ones at Hannafords. I even asked about it and they said it was a corporate decision.


t1_jc208si wrote

The Hannaford self checkouts absolutely do have a volume control. It links to your account, too, so if you key in your phone number before you start scanning, it will adjust the volume to your previous setting.


OP t1_jc20tks wrote

Jesus Christ shut up. Why is everyone on /r/Maine such condescending douchebags? I’m telling you how it is as someone who works there.


t1_jc22rpc wrote

Do you work there, or did someone that works there tell you it was a corporate decision?


t1_jc22eqt wrote



OP t1_jc4vuxb wrote

We got a 9 year old here on the internet folks. Haha look at the funny pictures mom!


t1_jc4w4ge wrote

Hey, you're the one getting pissed at people who have observed and used a feature on self checkout lines at Hannaford...

But ok, if I'm 9, then how is my child 13? Is this the new math?


OP t1_jc4wx7q wrote

If you have a 13 year old and you are still using gifs to express your emotions on reddit there is something seriously wrong with you and I feel bad for you child for being raised by someone like you.


t1_jc2rw8y wrote

Maybe I was high on PCP last time I was in Hannaford.

Or maybe your particular store doesn't have the same kiosks as most the rest of Maine.

Or somebody just lied to you.

At least one of these is true.


t1_jc20aje wrote

No beeps at my Hannaford.

They have a computer voice that reads out the price of each item when it's scanned.


t1_jc259j4 wrote

I find that to be so annoying!!! Does jerry checking out next to me NEED to know how much I am spending here today?


t1_jc3qrj0 wrote

Holy crap I can't believe that idiot is buying organic tomatoes for $7.99/lb


t1_jc23i61 wrote

it’s weird, whenever i go through a self-checkout i always seem to have an extra couple of items in my bag that don’t show up on the receipt. i guess the store’s employees must be better at scanning than i am


t1_jc2bnoo wrote

Strange, me too! We should totally leave the scanning to the professionals I guess.


t1_jc2t5a8 wrote

Every Hannaford I've gone to has a beep and a voice reading out the price of the item. Sometimes it's just the beep and not the voice.

Also, there's no way this applies to every single checkout at either of these stores. One or two checkouts I can buy. Not all eight. And not at two entire stores.

You can play the "but I work there!" card all you want. You stay on your hill, I'll stay on mine.


t1_jc28rai wrote

It’s also super easy to borrow items from hannaford


t1_jc2cwjs wrote

This post is reminding me of every time I post something benign. I expect people to think “neat” and move on or something, and instead all these people come out of nowhere to act like I’m the dumbest person alive.