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busback t1_ithmy0v wrote

Trump hasn’t been president for almost two years lmao

That’d be like me bringing up Obama in 2018. Get over it


SyntheticCorners28 t1_ithpwh9 wrote

Then why didn't you idiots take your signs down?


busback t1_ithq2o2 wrote

I’ve never voted for Trump nor have I had a Trump sign

I think you’re referring to the vocal minority


CaveKnave t1_ithzqbd wrote

You still fail to see the big picture here. Just because YOU don't do it, doesn't mean the party you're defending isn't. Again, you've made my point just by your comments. Republicans refuse to admit or call out any fault - and that's the issue.


busback t1_itio44z wrote

You do realize there’s over 60 million republicans in the US? Do you really think such a blanket statement is applicable to that large of a group?

Let me guess- “anyone stupid enough to follow such a dumb party isn’t intelligent and/or is a bad person! Wee!”


CaveKnave t1_itiqgs2 wrote

Wow your guess is actually spot on. I guess you've thought this through. I stand by my over-encompassing statement because, like you've proven several times, the group of idiots that call themselves the republican party refuse to admit fault in anything.

Would you like to take a moment and separate yourself from that group of idiots? Is there something substantial that trump did/does that you don't agree with? Here's your chance buddy.


captd3adpool OP t1_ithovds wrote

Get over what exactly? That Trump is a traitorous conman who tried to subvert and effectively destroy democracy in this country? Get over the fact that he utilized the privileges and protections of the presidency to try to avoid his legal trouble? Get over the fact that that orange catastrophe helped bring out the absolute worst of the american people and make it "acceptable" in general society? Get over the spineless Republicans that refused to have some fucking guts and stand up to that narcissistic POS? Or maybe get over the fact that Moscow Mitch vowed to not work with the Democrats AT ALL and stand in the way of all of the Biden administrations policy goals? How the absolute fuck can "people" like that claim to want whats best for the American people then act like fucking children and refuse anything if it isnt them getting their way and their way only? Plot twist! Republicans want whats best for the rich and for corporations. They do not care about ths American people. They do not and will not protect any rights or freedoms but will do everything they can to slowly erode the rights of everyone in this country that isnt a rich, white, "christian", heterosexual male. Democrats suck. Make now doubt about that but only because they dont have the balls to go on the offensive against right-wing insanity. The GOP is straight up evil and COMPLETELY unamerican.