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busback t1_ithqdld wrote

Imagine caring so much about people’s political beliefs that you say “fuck you” to them after some online banter. Do you act the same way in real life?


SyntheticCorners28 t1_ithqkhk wrote

Actually yes. When I hear someone say something stupid I call it out.


busback t1_ithqv7m wrote

You mean, “when I disagree with someone I say fuck you to them”?


a_pirate_life t1_ithstcp wrote

No, you said something fucking stupid and somebody more intelligent than you called it out. Now you're butthurt


SyntheticCorners28 t1_ithtxti wrote

^ This guy gets it!


Hefty_Musician2402 t1_itk7lfx wrote

I care about peoples’ political beliefs when they start taking away my rights. Your liberty to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. Fuck outta here.


busback t1_itky6p3 wrote

Do you believe in vaccine mandates?


Hefty_Musician2402 t1_ito8kyy wrote

Nah. I’m pro vax but seeing as they aren’t as effective at reducing actual spread, I don’t see a reason to make people get the vax. It might save their own ass but hey who am I to judge?