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[deleted] t1_isao04t wrote

I live in NY and am seriously thinking about moving to Maine. Particularly the Biddeford area as I have some family there. Seems like a good place to live when I visit


scroopy-nupers t1_isb5dr9 wrote

In this very thread there is a top upvoted comment about the issue of people leaving maine and yet when someone says they want to move here they get rude comments and downvoted

We would love to have you in maine, come visit :)


rifenbug t1_isayfi7 wrote

Literally just left NY for a job in Biddeford 8 nonths ago. No regrets so far.


ScarletFire21 t1_isaxyj7 wrote

Don’t move here. You will regret it. Same issues as where you are. Please stay in NY.
