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rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu3z89p wrote

And it seems like the left wants to rewire the way humans have always been for 100,000 of years


deadstump t1_iu41kt5 wrote

I love that this is the best Republican response. As if being a dick to trans people is the virtuous move.


MrFittsworth t1_iu457ld wrote

There have been gay and trans brown black and white people for as long as people have been loosely defined as people.

Your hate speech just makes you look dumb and lazy to everyone. I don't expect self reflection but my God, this isn't the strongest "argument" from the anti 'basic human fucking rights" crowd I've heard to date lol


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu46xmi wrote

Yes gay people have been around for centuries, yes there have been people who believed they were born with the wrong body parts. But the percentile of people in today's age is within the 1%. Right now, it is a social contagion. The left and progressives, without conversation, will insult, defame without any proof. You are lazy and ignorant. Combat with speech, not insults, child.


MrFittsworth t1_iu47cnf wrote

Social contagion lol

Take a fucking sociology class. This is the same rhetoric that came around when homosexuality wasn't as stigmatized. 'they're everywhere! The rates are exploding!' no. They were always here, they just aren't forced to hide anymore. Trans and non binary people have always been here, they just aren't being shamed out of existence anymore.

"prohibition doesn't work, why should we ban (x) people will just get them illegally". It is the same argument, except these are people. You absolute trash bag.

You're a bigot. There is no other words to use. I feel so bad for you.


Fast-Connection9063 t1_iu4k1fo wrote

WhY bAn GuNs WhEn PeOpLe WiLl JuSt GeT tHeM iLlEgAlLy?


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu5met5 wrote

Uh ya dumby, do some research on crimes stats, and amount of people who commit them who are legal owners vs. Those who are illegal owners. The answers to your dumb comment are in the research.


Fast-Connection9063 t1_iu5pio7 wrote

What dumb comment? I just compared this person's comment to a statement I thought of. I didn't even say my political opinion. Frankly both Republicans and Democrats have downsides so I don't generally talk about politics.

But now that we are at it, Maine actually has very few violent crimes. That may be partially due to the fact that we don't have many gun free zones so criminals know they'll get a hole in them if they do indeed commit a crime. And it may be partially due to the fact that we have more trees than people lol.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu5m6b2 wrote

You and every upvoter I feel bad for. This progressive experimental eutopia you've been promised does not end well for man kind and society, so careful what you wish for...


MrFittsworth t1_iu5mhez wrote

Are you a time traveler now? You know how this all goes? You've seen anything REMOTELY comparable to this in history? Elaborate, in detail, please.

How wise of you, to predict that hate and vitriol is the secret to utopia. Not checks notes freedom of self and being regardless of the person you choose to love or identify as.

Sure thing champ, what a stupid way to exist lol


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu5pzf8 wrote

What a dumb comment. Good luck


MrFittsworth t1_iu5q4uz wrote

You've offered no reasonable discourse, you've spewed hate and partisan parrot talking points, claimed to know the future, and only displayed how much of a bigot you are.

Your upbrininging failed you. Be better.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu61le5 wrote

I've offered no reasonable discourse? Here's a tip, when someone disputes your take don't fire back with insults. That's not called discourse. That's called being a dick because I have nothing else to add, reddit or not, that's a lame response to anyone offering up discourse.


MrFittsworth t1_iu64aed wrote

You're spewing bigotry and hate. At the least you deserve insults. Don't like it? Be a better person. Not sorry.


rudedudelivingcrude t1_iu69lke wrote

You are stupid and If I knew you I'd sue you for deformation. Have a cheery day.


MrFittsworth t1_iu6e14m wrote

Lol. That's not how the internet, or the law works. But sure, keep digging the ever convincing hole you're in. Welcome to public forum, where you are allowed to speak your mind AND be held accountable for your words at the same time!


DiscussionStatus4939 t1_iu46j79 wrote

Hahahaha I’m sorry but this just sounds so stupid. I’ve read it like 27 times and it just sounds so ridiculous every time! You sound like such a sheep. Baaaaaaaaaa.