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PenguinontheTelly t1_it9uaoz wrote

If it came down to votes there are way more people not living directly on the than the lucky few who do


Yourbubblestink t1_it9zxmj wrote

Their money will keep it from ever coming to a vote. Politics is about money.


EngineersAnon t1_itak7h4 wrote

It comes down to the US Constitution. If that property is to be taken for public use - and let's not fool ourselves, that's what we're talking about here - they have to receive "just compensation". How much are we prepared to spend?


tracyinge t1_itau22e wrote

If it came down to votes in California, gays wouldn't be able to marry. Luckily they've got rights and took it to court. In other words, the majority doesn't just automatically get what they want in this country, that's not how it works.