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Majestic-Feedback541 t1_itpucr4 wrote

Just pass them in the right lane!

All jokes aside, they really fuck the flow of traffic up. It's not hard to switch lanes to pass someone and then move back once there's space. I hate the highway, I avoid it any time I have an alternate route (unless I'm on a time limit)


throwaway38372652664 t1_itrel0u wrote

Thank god 95 is triple lane up to portland, or itd be a parking lot. The amount of people who cant / wont move over when youre merging off the on ramp is disgusting aswell.

But even worse are those who go fucking 45 50 on the on ramp and then dont speed up atbthe highway merge, forcing me to pull out and merge behind you. They then get pissed cause your in their blind spot trying to merge. Step on the gas bro, probably have mad carbon build up from grannying it all day.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_itrmumb wrote

I agree. Though I hate that part of the highway even more than any other part (in Maine anyways). The three lanes are definitely needed but me driving in all that chaos makes me so nervous/anxious. I only have to drive it when I visit family though.


AriusTech t1_itran44 wrote

Fun fact: passing on the right is a moving violation, one with a greater fine than failing to yield the left lane. I make sure they have seen me via proximity then high beams before reluctantly passing on the right. If they don't know you're there and attemp to merge it could cause an accident that you could technically be at fault for under certain circumstances. Stupid shit.


JustDubbinAround t1_itrp33h wrote

Passing on the right is perfectly legal on the Interstate in Maine, as long as you do so in an actual lane. There are legitimate safety concerns about it, in my opinion, but a one-way road wide enough for multiple lanes of traffic is one of the situations where passing on the right is explicitly allowed by the law (see Title 29-A, §2070 ¶6).


AriusTech t1_itsm1hx wrote

Welp, Consider me schooled. I actually have a moving violation that was described as passing on the right, but it was coupled with operation in a breakdown lane (22 years ago, I was a dumbass kid). In hindsight I guess it should have only been one charge, but I deserved all of it. Lesson learned then and now! Thank you for the comment and evidence.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_itrmfqm wrote

Well... When you're going down the highway above Bangor where it's 75, and the person in the left lane is going 65 and there's absolutely no other cars around... Am I just supposed to slow down until they figure their shit out?