BARRYTHUNDERWOOD t1_it94d86 wrote
My dad lives in QC about 30min from Sherbrooke, I always took the Coburn Gore route, it’s a little more low key of a crossing. Then you have about an hour of like farmland to drive through to get to Sherbrooke. But recently I’ve started taking the Vermont route (crossing at the Derby border on the Beebe road, not the rt 91 derby crossing). It’s absolutely tiny and and easy low key crossing and I’ve never seen a line or had any weird trouble. Keep in mind that QC cops just live to give US cars speeding tickets (my mom got a ticket with Maine plates for doing 7km over), and those tickets ain’t cheap so make sure not to get lulled into looking at your MPH by accident. So if you’re definitely wanting to cross in Maine, go Coburn Gore. There’s a gas station in Eustis, it’ll be a little more expensive but it’s like 30 min from border. It’s a real bitch in the winter though.
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