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Wear_Overall t1_itk3926 wrote

Don’t know exactly why, but this post reminds me of a funny story. In the nascent days of this here World Wide Web (early ‘95), I lived with my cousin in a big artist loft. We were broke, so we’d go swipe the free AOL cd-Roms from the magazines at the newsstand to stay online. He was a PC guy and I’m a Mac guy and we each had our own phone lines, so we could both be online simultaneously. We would smoke a bunch of weed and go into evangelical chat rooms on AOL. One of us would play the priest and the other a crack head looking for redemption. We’d drag it out for hours, but inevitably the crack head’s description of crack euphoria would get the priest to fold and agree to leave the priesthood and try smoking crack. It would never work today, but in those days everyone was an internet noob. Those poor devout people would lose their damn minds as they watched the priest succumb to the dark side. We had a ton of fun.


DrGordonFreemanScD t1_itky2me wrote

It would definitely work now. I don't see this world that you do where everyone has suddenly become savvy...