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MSINCLAIR_ABC t1_iuf9kni wrote

No Bangor no Portland no Lewiston Auburn area, no country for ol men I promise, those areas are becoming what Maine never was.


daroosta767 t1_iufc6ar wrote

Like what? Just curious.


MSINCLAIR_ABC t1_iufgna1 wrote

Crime ugliness meth, people are great but last few generations got soft for Mainers in my opinion, it was one reason we moved there, the people were hard working, straight attitude types, good people, should have seen a Texas cowboy accent try to communicate with a Mainer accent, but we came to figure out we were of same cloth and settled in, bout 25 years now, boys played ball there, became Airborne Rangers and more build high security components at BIW, just good life all around up in Maine, but I’d suggest rural with access to city within fun drive