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birdmayhem t1_ishajg5 wrote

Come on now, they’re very tolerant of people who just want to live free! I mean, if you don’t the options are a little limited and not much fun, but…


bluestargreentree t1_ishap21 wrote

Live free or die but the following things are not allowed:

  • weed

  • gambling

  • Prostitution


birdmayhem t1_ishat9q wrote

Don’t think about that, here’s a barn full of liquor!


mlo9109 t1_ishj4to wrote

It's a great distraction. I live in Maine but my workplace is based in NH. While I mostly work from home, when I am on-site, I stock up on cheap booze.


AppropriatePhysics69 t1_ishhx36 wrote

I think you can definitely sports gamble in NH but not in Maine... At least on the common sports gambling apps.

EDIT: you can't legally sports bet in Maine if not in one of the two casinos.


AppropriatePhysics69 t1_isnobhz wrote

Not sure the down votes, the internet is weird... Open the DraftKings or any gambling app on your phone right now and try to bet on a sports game. It will tell you that based on your location you can't place a bet.

Tonight when I'm in NH working, it will let me do it no problem.

Hell the PPH had an article a few weeks/month back where they interviewed a guy from Berwick who was literally driving across the border to place bets - it was the focus of the article that Maine hasn't allowed it yet despite being "legal".

I'm aware we have two casinos - would HARDLY describe either as "full size" in the casino world. They exist though, I agree.

Source: was at the Oxford Casino two weekends ago,and live here too. And frequently work in NH where I can legally sportsbet from my phone.


bluestargreentree t1_ishiisk wrote

You may be right. It'll be legal in Maine soon*

*May be years if it takes as long as adult use weed


AppropriatePhysics69 t1_ishn3c8 wrote

Yah I think in Maine it's legal but they are embarking on an 18 month "rule making" process... Because Maine.

I can place my sports bets on DraftKings in New Hampshire when I'm working but as soon as I get to Maine it tells me no.

Crosswise I can buy a fat bag of delicious weed in Maine but as soon as I get to New Hampshire they tell me no.