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GoodDecision t1_isknbju wrote

Reply to comment by CLNA11 in FUCK MASSACHUSETS by A_Sad_Badger

I can tell you besides the wealthy takeover of many areas, for me it's the way they drive around here.

There are 2 groups of drivers from MA. The first group will drive slowly, sometimes down the middle line, stop in the middle of the road with no indication of what they are doing, use the wrong lanes to turn, and just generally make it nerve-wracking to be around. I call these the unintentionally oblivious.

The second group drives as fast as they can with total disregard for signalling, doing whatever the hell they want as if they are the only person on the road. Tailgate you, pass you aggressively. I call these the intentionally obnoxious.

I can only speak for myself but when I'm in an unfamiliar area you better believe I'm white-knuckling it, making sure to be in the right lane, looking for turn-only lanes, and generally trying to stay out of way of people who are local. I try my hardest to not be a pain to my fellow drivers and I guess I foolishly expect the same when they come to my town


DaytonaDemon t1_isls7dn wrote

So..."Maine drivers good. Massachusetts drivers bad."

Atavistic nonsense — and I'm a Mainer. See also confirmation bias and selective perception.


GoodDecision t1_isluoqj wrote

So... "It's me who is right, and everyone else who is wrong".

You hear Mainers talking about this all the time for a good reason. It doesn't come out of thin air, its observed behavior and pattern recognition (so atavistic, how low-brow of us). I know what confirmation bias and selective perception are, but thanks for the links.

I drive for a living, I'm out there all day everyday and I see it all. Not every MA driver is careless and/or rude, but after 40 years of observation some patterns do emerge. I understand they drive the way they do for a reason, I lived in Boston for 10 years. It's just how you need to drive down there, but it doesn't translate up here and its glaringly obvious to witness.

I literally just got home from work, and about an hour ago I was up at the small rotary heading from Dover to Durham NH. This rotary is tiny, I usually go about 15 miles an hour approaching and around. Its so small you really cant be going any faster than that. The car in front of me approached going about 35 mph, veered into the outside lane (two lane rotary) in front of me at the last second, no signal, no yield. They crashed into the car already going around the rotary. Everyone was ok. Guess where they were from?


DaytonaDemon t1_ism73jb wrote

It'd be interesting to see statistics. Mainers driving in Massachusetts, "Massholes" driving in Maine. How many accidents, how many dead and wounded, per one million miles driven? Find me those numbers, and I'll concede your point if there is a large difference in favor of Maine drivers. My money's on "no meaningful difference."


GoodDecision t1_ismjmyn wrote

> Find me those numbers


>I'll concede your point if there is a large difference

I don't care if you agree with me. I'm just sharing my experience.


DaytonaDemon t1_isol0pa wrote

I just don't like your unfounded hatred for a group of others, that's all. Bigots bore me.


GoodDecision t1_isou6bb wrote

yeah, yeah, bigot, nazi, yawn, talk about boring. Hit me with "spreading misinformation" so I can fill out the rest of my reddit bingo card.