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Independent-Ruin-185 t1_isulmls wrote

Reply to comment by Bywater in Stop The Corruption by sillychillly

Ad hominem is not the way to get anyone to respect your opinion. You realize you can't murder the opposition you have to sway them to your side with articulate arguments. You ever won a debate by calling the other person a fuckwit?

State senators make less than $16k a year. Substantially below the poverty level. So yes government pay sucks. If you're surviving on less than that every year please share how you're doing yet. It's not an automatic pension, I don't know what you're getting that information.

You make a really poor argument. What are you talking about with classified documents? Are you one of these right wingers that believes everyone is guilty until proven innocent?

If you're off stocks what makes up your IRA? Genuine question, mine is almost entirely VOO with a little VXUS. Always interested in how to diversify


Bywater t1_isunrt1 wrote

I was describing you, if you found it to be insulting maybe you should reflect on that. As for respecting my opinion, do what you want, but I have long since given up on reaching most people who are so committed to whatever it is they decided to believe in that they lack the strength to challenge their own beliefs regardless of the information they are presented with.

I firmly believe that if you use your position of power to make a single dollar by violating your oath and the trust of those you represent that you should not be in office. As you came out saying that they have no choice but to do this and survive, despite how much better off they are than 90% of Americans, to defend that corruption? Ya, with as deep as you are in that bubble I know I will never be able to pop it. I mean even with the 16k we pay our reps (it varies by state) as they work less than half a year they are still above the median, but lets not let that get in the way of some kind of clear repetition of Dan Crenshaw's talking points to defend his millions he made.