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OP t1_ituok7t wrote

Done and done. Waiting on the boys in blue as we speak. Although they are already late.


t1_ituovbc wrote

How is your pup? Friend here at home had her dog killed by a dangerous dog. She took them to small claims and got everything back. The dog was returned to the owner by animal control with a requirement that the dog be tethered, leashed, and muzzled at all times when outside.


OP t1_itur110 wrote

She’s VERY sad but she’s going to make a full recovery.


t1_itx8n3r wrote

I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Those are some nasty puncture wounds. Just wanted to mention that punctures abcess very easily. What happens is the skin heals over the top while the wound inside heals much more slowly. Keep a very close eye on them and watch for redness, puffiness, and heat. Sending healing thoughts.


OP t1_itx9iun wrote

Thanks! I’m keeping a close eye on them. The worst one (according to the vet) is a puncture right at the base of her tail. They need to leave it open to drain and I need to peel the scabs off as they form so it heals from the inside out. Apparently it will get infected if I don’t do that and she will “lose all the skin on her butt”.


t1_itxcp6b wrote

Yes, keep them open as they heal. Warm compresses help with that. Also there are ointments vets can give you to pack the wound with that help with tissue granulation, but with a dog that is difficult because they tend to lick their wounds when they can reach them. I had a sheep once with a deep abcess and the tissue granulation ointment worked really well. Watch for flies too, I hate to say.... You definitely don't want them near those wounds.