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cathar_here OP t1_irxobql wrote

I have been struggling with finding an infectious disease doctor in texas that will take me on as a patient, funny thing is in Texas, they can just refuse to see me, and I have been referred t 6 different ID doctors and all 6 of them have refused to take me on as a patient. There are less than 100 lyme disease cases in Texas a year, or somerhing like that, and no one down here wants to mess with me.


Wistfield t1_irxpwbn wrote

Maybe reach out to this org? They might have some leads for you, or possibly someone in one of the listed support groups would know who to contact.


cathar_here OP t1_irxrtyy wrote

yep, filled out the contact us about 10 days ago on that site, and I haven't heard back from anyone yet, but I filled it out again just to see if maybe something went wrong the first time


Wistfield t1_irxvzpc wrote

Ugh. I’m sorry this has been such a struggle for you


cathar_here OP t1_irxw5z5 wrote

I appreciate the help and hoping things turn around, or I'll get to spend my first winter back in Maine in over 10 year haha


IamSauerKraut t1_iryr4vf wrote

Head north... skip Texas and their stupid anti-people laws. Alligators there have more fights to medical treatment than humans do.


Empty_Pressure8574 t1_irxu0mf wrote

My Dad has latent Lyme Disease which means that he can’t get rid of it. Is no joke. He uses green walnut husk extract and turmeric for herbal remedies and had to go on antibiotics. Also if your looking for a doctor that treats lyme all the time look one up in Long Island New York. It’s been there for a long time and before they had a name for it the locals call it the montauk knee.
