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Majestic-Feedback541 t1_irxu55a wrote

Why not contact the Dr you went to up here and see if they can offer teleservices or can refer you to someone who can (and is accepting new patients)? Or have your primary Dr in Texas consult with the Dr you had here (or someone who knows about Lyme disease and treatment)?


cathar_here OP t1_irxubf2 wrote

I am working through that office right now, and I'm actually considering coming back up if they won't do telemedicine, so I'm waiting to hear back from their office over the next couple of days


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_irxuwdb wrote

That's also an option, but a pain. If you do come back here for treatment, I'd recommend asking if they can give a 6 month or year treatment plan/prescription or something.

I hope you hear back soon and it all works out for you!