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Revan995 OP t1_iu9jh6z wrote

Basically it's shorthand for "I'll buy your house, but only if I manage to sell mine at the same time". Very common for those of us who can't manage to swing two mortgages at once. It's risky though, because someone can swoop in, pay cash and steal it out from under you. Legally.


Tbagmoo t1_iu9jvfu wrote

Interesting. Thank you


9wild9 t1_iu9l0x0 wrote

Contingent offers have been very rare the last couple years because of how competitive the market has been. As a seller, there’s no reason to accept a contingent offer if you have multiple offers with no such clause.

Since the market is slowing down a bit (due to sky high interest rates) contingent offers may become more common.