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GhostOfLords t1_isyme1g wrote

Mills can win if Democrats/the left do the following: vote.

If Mills isn’t your cup of tea or doesn’t fit your idea of a unicorn candidate, she is leaps and bounds better than Lepage.

Don’t expect anyone to do your voting for you: you have to get out a vote. Shaming people into voting your way won’t get Mills elected nor will sitting out an election to prove a point do anything except tilt the ratio towards Lepage.

To my fellow moderates/centrists leaning toward Mills: you have to vote. Don’t let complacency or the comfort of your echo chamber convince you that Mills has this tied up. You have vote!

Maine is by and dad one of the easier states to vote. There is no excuse for not voting.


Porcupine-Baseball t1_isyq7vg wrote

Someone choosing not to vote for the lesser of two evils is not to be looked down upon.


Antnee83 t1_isytktd wrote

I think that held true 6 years ago. I think the difference now is so stark, and the right's actions (and the effects) so vile that yeah, I kinda do look down on you for that.

I've set aside my absolute disgust for the democratic party for now, because throwing women and minorities into a christian nationalist meat grinder is the alternative.


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isyqugl wrote

Yes just sit elections out you'll show em. This lesser of two evils nonsense is redundant and reveals how little you think you have to lose.


Standsaboxer t1_iszomh2 wrote

This is how we got Trump.


Porcupine-Baseball t1_it26zvp wrote

This shows a poor understanding of why Trump was elected, and why populist morons will continue to be elected.


Standsaboxer t1_it2fu32 wrote

Curious as to why you think Mills is "evil."

Note: moved comment for better clarity.


3490goat t1_iszcdjn wrote

I disagree. You have a choice between two viable (likely to have a good chance of success) candidates. You may not like either, but one of those choices may have positive or negative benefits more than the other. Both short term and long term.

At the end of the day your vote is YOUR vote. Just vote


DidDunMegasploded t1_it0xsrh wrote

Welcome to the political climate of today, bud. "Lesser of two evils" voting is the norm now. Take it or leave it.


Porcupine-Baseball t1_it26wbh wrote

I understand that. I leave it more often than not. For example, I won't be voting for Governor, but I will be voting for Jared Golden.


2SticksPureRage t1_it29b29 wrote

I got you. No one gets my vote automatically just because they have the D next to their name. I’m sitting this election out as well as I simply don’t like any of their values/legislation. I get to vote for Mills and Golden… none of which are striking any good vibes for me.

One less D vote she/he and everyone else running on the platform will have. If this is how we got Trump then the Ds have learned nothing in 6 years. This shouldn’t matter in the end to them anyways as I really feel like the democrats are a party for families and immigrants and I’m not either of those.

The abortion ruling really shaped my view a little bit too and with mills saying she will do nothing to change existing law there went my last reason to vote for her.