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t1_itxmd5w wrote

Because it's nearly impossible to make Bruce Poloquin look good. Poloquin's only chance to win is to bring Jared down to his level.


t1_itze5vo wrote

I like the slimy/swampy Pologquin ad.

Met the guy in person, he's exactly what you picture. Only shorter.


t1_itxsgkp wrote

Short answer: money.

Long answer: mmmmoooonnnneeeeyyyy.


Someone's throwing a fair chunk of change to oust Golden. Gosh, I wonder who that could be?


t1_itxrnm7 wrote

This is what we get when we let outside money into state decided elections. Senators and Congressmen position should only have funding from in state sources. Sick of hearing about house majority pacs and others like it. Every state is different and that is what makes America so great!


t1_itxs8v0 wrote

Won't change until the US Supreme Court overturns the Citizen United decision or Congress passes an amendment to the Constitution. Don't hold your breath.


t1_itxy8ul wrote



t1_itxzkb4 wrote

If the bear thing comes to the ballot again, the people who sign that petition should lose their voting rights. How many times did have to be voted on?


t1_itz75qv wrote

It’s also why LePage won reelection. It was an off year election. Rural turn out was way up due to the bear baiting referendum, while the vote in greater Portland / the coast was down. I’m 100% convinced Michaud would have won by a couple points otherwise.


t1_itze2th wrote

They do this on purpose with something controversial. They had an anti-flag burning referendum meant to get all the old curmedgeons out to vote, hoping that the weak Republicans would get a boost.


t1_itzdb53 wrote

I support a petition to pass a law that says once a petition has been voted on and has passed or failed, you can't put it up for petition again for at least ten years.


t1_itxlwa3 wrote

I like the one where the guy says something about getting kicked in the nuts then makes a confused/thoughtful face. I’m so ready for this election to be over.


t1_itxmqf7 wrote

I noticed this week that the "kicked in the nuts" fisherman commercial had replaced the fat fisherman commercial. Those commercials are awful. Unless it states facts and a politicians stance on an issue, I don't want to hear it.


t1_itxoe7u wrote

Poliquin got some big money backing him, for sure.


t1_itxuidx wrote

Because Bruce Poliquin has a small peepee he needs to compensate for.


t1_itxrwt0 wrote

Poliquin needs one more year in to get a pension


t1_iu0rm1y wrote

I'm republican and I am voting for Golden. I hate Brucie almost as much as I hate Trump.


t1_iu25arw wrote

I’m content with Golden. I may not agree with all his positions but I can at least trust in his character.

One issue voter, and here in Maine it’s never a problem so go Golden.


t1_iu1cl82 wrote

Golden is pretty good at treating each issue differently he isn’t a straight party line guy which is a problem for the major two parties.


t1_ityuarx wrote

An Election year without smears and people with agendas? Unfathomable.....


t1_itxqzqs wrote

Frankly they both suck.


t1_ityerk4 wrote

Well, in some ways, yeah. But one actually once served his country, the other just wants to screw it again


t1_itzzw3l wrote

That doesn't even matter their both idiots. Just like two idiots running for governor. The political system is broken.


t1_iu07749 wrote

When I also was in my 20s I had that same attitude. Then we got eight years of LePage and I regretted every minute of it.

I hope you grow out of your current mindset. I know a lot of people don't. But I like to try and believe in people until they prove me wrong.


t1_iu0l9io wrote

I'm not on my 20s. I don't like to sugar coat things or have a wishful thinking type attitude. The political system is a joke up and down the board. Orange man vs old senile man same shit outcome. I think janet mills is a idiot and her vaccine mandates are a farce. Forcing people to get a experimental shot that only lasts for 4 months and doesn't stop transmission that's a good move makes sense.


t1_iu15ui6 wrote

if you use an ad blocker and you never see them. i use the ublock origin and it even blocks the youtube and hulu ads and everything as far as i can tell.


the only political ads ive seen this year, and probably for maybe a decade now, have been when im at a bar and they have a tv. but those are on mute and im hanging out with people, so easily ignorable then too.


t1_itxw13y wrote

Name one thing Janet Golden has done for maine ?


t1_itys8h3 wrote

Janet Golden, professor at Rutgers, wrote an article about Maine rescinding its child labor laws (under butt nugget LePage of course) based on the "A Modest Proposal" work of Jonathan Swift, highlighting the ridiculous stupidity of such a plan. She's been instrumental in the field of history as it relates to child healthcare and well being for decades now and is well respected.

A Modest Proposal to Rescind Child Labor Laws

And now you've learned something. You're welcome.