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rich6490 t1_is74hxo wrote

The only people who will back Janet Mills are those who still back brain dead Biden. There is zero logic in the decision, only “must vote D, R is evil.”


raynedanser t1_is79hge wrote

This tells me all I need to know about your morals right here. If you can back anyone like Trump or LePage... That's pretty low and disgusting.


weakenedstrain t1_is7pmk2 wrote

What is it you like about LePage? Is it how he hates educators? His blatant racism? His lengthy drunken harassment of opponents?

There’s so much to choose from…


declemson t1_is865kk wrote

Loser. Move to Russia


rich6490 t1_isaauz1 wrote

I absolutely love the US… why would I move to that hellhole?
