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Doc_coletti t1_iuacpbl wrote

Convenience store, variety store, dairy store, general store, country store


LeoIsRude t1_iubnsh5 wrote

Don't forget "corner store" regardless of whether or not it's on a corner. Corner store pizza is heaven on earth when you've been eating healthy for awhile and you're craving pizza.


Random-Rambling t1_iubttw5 wrote

Mm, I'm craving it right now. Fold the slice in half and take a big bite, leaving a huge orange puddle on the paper plate!


LeoIsRude t1_iubvbjc wrote

And the crust is always exactly the same wherever you go. I'm usually a crunchy fan, but damn if that chewy crust doesn't hit the spot.


Subject_Painter_2082 t1_iubiou1 wrote

Country stores can only be called country stores if they are in buildings that clearly used to be houses. While, original pine board floors are not required, they are highly encouraged.