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BaddTuna t1_iy0s5xa wrote

I’ve been waiting for this to happen.

The Augusta cops leave their unoccupied vehicles running all the time. . .


OniExpress t1_iy0yf09 wrote

should be automatic termination if someone makes off with you squad car


Bywater t1_iy1akac wrote

Nice thought, but Popo are not accountable for shit.


Lacksum t1_iy2frye wrote

There are interlocks that don't let you put the police vehicle into drive unless you know what to do. This guy just knew where it was.


pairsof t1_iy2gpw6 wrote

Good to know, I’ve been tempted before. Seen a cop leave his car two blocks away and I really just wanted to move it a few more blocks away


Dr_Clout t1_iy2z7j1 wrote

I worked at a bank once, even leaving money on the counter behind the teller line without a hand on it being “secured” could get your written up.

These mofo “keys in it!”