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tehmightyengineer t1_iwqsl7n wrote

MaineDOT does good work; I briefly reviewed the plans for this job and they had details for traffic control plans so I presume there wasn't any planned shutdowns; especially not during rush hour. But traffic control is the pervue of the general contractor and is only approved by MaineDOT and not their responsibility. It could just be that traffic got backed up due to the lane closures and they didn't actually shut anything down.

The general contractor awarded the project was listed as McNamee Construction Corp. of Lincolndale, NY. Never worked with them so no idea how good they are.


FlamingPeasant OP t1_iwr40d3 wrote

According to Maine DOTs twitter response to me they missed a requirement forbidding shutting that intersection down to one lane during the day. Pretty big miss.


tehmightyengineer t1_iwr65gn wrote

Nice. Yeah, shit happens; surprised the DOT on-site inspector didn't catch that but things happen. Glad they had such a proactive response. Thanks for letting them know.


FITM-K t1_iwqwpdg wrote

I'm pretty sure they shut the road down completely. For a long time traffic wasn't moving at all.