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Yourbubblestink t1_ix87u2h wrote

It’s not reasonable at all to assume that you can just walk around and hunt in property that is not yours. If you want that sort of flexibility buy yourself some land.


PFDulce2 t1_ix8alip wrote

It is reasonable because that’s the law. You are allowed to recreate on any land that is not properly posted, provided you are not damaging it, cutting down trees, etc.


Yourbubblestink t1_ix8chh6 wrote

There’s a difference between what’s reasonable, and what’s legal sometimes. The bottom line is that hunting only exists in Maine because of the generosity of the landowners.

Anybody can walk into Walmart and buy a shotgun, but without land to use it on it’s pointless. Unless you own land yourself remember to send a thank you card to the guy who’s letting you use his property.


ppitm t1_ix8ctiq wrote

"It's not reasonable to assume that the law is the law."

Why are you struggling with objective reality?


Yourbubblestink t1_ix8f5sn wrote

Why are you so defensive of mooching? What’s the big deal about letting your neighbor know you plan to be in his yard?


ppitm t1_ix8ih62 wrote

You think the entire forested area of Maine (90% of land area) is "someone's yard?"

You have some kind of deeply pathetic Stockholm Syndrome.
