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Your_Skadi t1_ixctcnf wrote

Child Protective Services is so deeply corrupt and dysfunctional that you would have to completely tear it down and start over to fix it. Dr. Lawrence Ricci is the one doctor who accesses injuries to children for the state, he has a serious God complex and lord help you if you ask him to explain your child's injuries to you. The hospitals are in bed with the state. The kids who need protection are ignored, and those whose families need some support get their kids removed. The state always claims under funding, but they are making millions in federal funding annually. The federal funding is set up to turn CPS into a kids for cash racket. No family is exempt, know your rights. It is disgusting what really goes on.


undertow521 t1_ixczc4i wrote

This comment is a joke.


Your_Skadi t1_ixczjil wrote

As a parent who went through the system, I assure you there are no jokes here. Look into Hilary Clinton's Safe Families Act.


undertow521 t1_ixd1bn7 wrote

As a former CPS worker who worked in "The system" I can assure you it is.


Your_Skadi t1_ixd91l2 wrote

Of course a case worker would say that. You're like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed shit. Have a nice day.


undertow521 t1_ixd9g9b wrote

Lol. Ahh the CPS paradox.

Families involved with CPS say we're involved too much, stealing kids for profit, and getting 10k per kid all along.

While the general public claims CPS isn't doing anything and never responds to reports.

Well, which is it?