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SeelieForest t1_j1q9187 wrote

According to studies the infrastructure in America (ACROSS ALL STATES) is in a disastrous condition. Bridges at risk of collapse.... lead pipes in many many cities (it's far more than the one or two that make the news).... even our rail system is nothing compared to advanced nations.

In every single aspect we are living in a country made in the mid 1900's. What we have USED TO BE great, but now is just aging and decaying and there is no investment into the country anymore.

It's a night and day difference when looking at upcoming countries or more socially minded countries. They have high speed rail, massive public transportation, huge cities with the finest building and technology.... internet access that shatters what Americans generally have access to....

>We just don’t want to.

Exactly. Because of massive corruption all of the money is going to weapons contractors and health insurance companies and all sorts of other private interests.... while we end up paying more for less.

Who needs a robust public transit system or healthcare when you can instead funnel all that money into aggressive policing and massive police forces with tanks? Or throw 100+ billion into a proxy war half way across the globe?

It's a joke how much the American people are just letting this country be gutted. And all the politicians have to do is whisper "things could be worse" and Americans get on their knees and thank the corrupt oligarchy for fucking them.


eljefino t1_j1slbwx wrote

It's a con on our people that we leave the stuff you mention needing more of to the states to implement. The current situation is a moral hazard because if a state neglects its stuff badly enough the feds jump in and save them... so you get these shitty states that don't raise enough revenue to service their people, they get free money from the rest of us, and their leaders get reelected based on how "clever" they are.