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thatsthatdude2u t1_j1auko1 wrote

You're confusing plentiful with sustainable but most people do. Most people think of sustainability as something that will sustain them for the time they are on the planet. Take it for what you will but that's why we're in the shit we're in. We all bear some responsibility for our lack of foresight in our daily activities I think wood burning however is ridiculous obviously bad for the environment.


ManWhoFartsInChurch t1_j1axdut wrote

Can you be any more condescending? Yes everyone is an idiot except you.


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1dduaf wrote

Correct. Wood Burning is the mark of rank north country hypocrisy where everyone claims to be an environmentalist but act as if wood burning is a positive for the environment when it's not. It's not condescending when it's true ...just people can't accept the facts so they just would rather make up their own and vilify those who do speak the truth. People are confused because they believe what sustains them personally is sustainable for the planet.that's pure rot.


dabeeman t1_j1ayihf wrote

the number of trees that fall naturally on my property every year more than make up enough woods for my use. how is it not sustainable to use what nature provides? should i leave it to rot instead?


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1ba2ms wrote

Glad you have it figured out for yourself. Extinct cultures did likewise
