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Hangry_Pauper OP t1_j1u1113 wrote

Reply to comment by Super-Lychee8852 in Ice report by Hangry_Pauper

I used to go every other Saturday or so and would have about 5-10 brookies by 10a. About 5 years ago I couldn't buy a single fish, tried it a half dozen times since with the same results. Tried open water fishing and caught more bass than I could shake a stick at.

Mind you, I'm only out there or anywhere else to catch trout and salmon.


Getheavystayheavy t1_j1uf5cb wrote

I caught over 20 18”+ salmon there last year through the ice, biggest one at 25”. Many people consider it slow but it’s only a matter of location and time of day.


Hangry_Pauper OP t1_j1ukk1r wrote

Im jealous, it used to be my favorite place. I'll have to make the trip there again this year I guess