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mmaalex t1_izisfke wrote

Depending on the offense they can give you a one time reprieve when you show up. You will get a piece of paper that says you're good for the trip, but don't come back. The permit also requires a fee of something like $300 IIRC.

I worked on a ship that went to Vancouver, largely with the same people, once or twice a month for a few years. Several people made it in quite a few times before Canada decided they were persona non grata, and told them not to come back. One guy came in 6-8 times before they realized he ha been in jail for "kidnapping" and told him never to return.

You can also fill our the form, or hire a lawyer, for permanent rehabilitation. There's no guarantee that they grant it, and no timeline for completion. I've seen several people take up to a year, and some just never get a response at all.


ErnieBochII t1_izktfc1 wrote

I didnt pay anything or get any piece of paper a couple years ago. Either way, fuck Canada. Talked with my sister last night and she was like "you'll be fine. they will not turn you away. but have a plan B in case."


great. fuck canada. i'm 3.5 years sober and want to be with my sister who lived in singapore for 15 years. she's common law married to hockey royalty family and my only niece is 1.5 years old and she loves me and took her first steps on thanksgiving with 17 people around in maine.

but F canada if they don't let my shitbag ass in. i know rules are rules and i broke the rules and the consequences are what they are. but i don't even have a drivers license (by choice), let alone intend to drink and drive. I just want to be with my family for christmas. sacre bleau!