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Runnah5555 t1_j21snc3 wrote

Yes, there is poor and there is dirt poor.


17biscuitboy11 OP t1_j21sv3k wrote

Thanks that's similar to here as well except for a few exceptions i.e. vineyard towns


Runnah5555 t1_j21va8w wrote

There is 100% two different Maines. There is southern Maine which is very developed and very expensive. The other 3/4’s of Maine is very rural and very poor.

Most of the rural towns had a paper mill as the main employer. The vast majority have shut down leaving ghost towns. Some are rebounding slightly, but still a long way to go.


gamertag0311 t1_j22ejcs wrote

This. I've found in smaller/poorer towns / cities people tend to mix across economic divides a lot more, as the wealth gap isn't as pronounced


Sufficient_Risk1684 t1_j23ko6p wrote

And the voters in southern Maine do their best toske things more expensive for the rest of the state.


kintokae t1_j21u8ju wrote

Right, I wouldn’t say my town is wealthy or poor, but there is a distinction in wealth as there are houses that were selling for $2M before the housing boom, while others were going for $100k. Some neighborhoods are definitely more expensive than others.

I think it has a population of around 4000 people, is certainly working class, just depends on if they work for minimum wage or more.