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siebzy t1_izg06pl wrote

Lol Sunday river is way bigger in every metric but vertical feet.


cathar_here t1_izg1s3r wrote

dang it I got them mixed up in my head, I would say Sunday River would be better than either Sugarloaf and Lost Valley and it's close to Portland like 75 miles away right?


siebzy t1_izg5swn wrote

It's a 2+ hr drive to both Sugarloaf and Sunday River. But I would consider Sunday River to be more beginner friendly - the real value at Sugarloaf is for the advanced rider who wants the above-treeline terrain and the steep trees in bracket basin.


cathar_here t1_izgfeng wrote

I am so out of my element here, I'm a cross country skier lol


siebzy t1_izgozup wrote

I was an xc ski racer in high school and college, but I had a brief (4yr) post-collegiate career as an alpine ski, snowboard, and telemark instructor.

I can talk about xc trail systems until your ears fall off lol


cathar_here t1_izgt11r wrote

Man it’s hard to explain to people how much I love and hate xc at the same time haha


siebzy t1_izgzfr1 wrote

I was at the Portland Gear Hub today, and they had a handful of ancient crusty half used kick wax sticks on the shelf for $1. I couldn't help but think of my dad's ancient klister-encrusted waxbox, and him pulling out random shit and being like "Bill Koch won an Olympic medal on this wax, someone could use it"