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TheDiceMan2 OP t1_izz3dqk wrote

that’s what you tell the officer, right??


Maine_Detailer-IM t1_izz4md8 wrote

I would assume they would have some paperwork backing up that claim proving whether they were within the 30 days or not. Dealers not wrapping their paper plates and them falling off is a thing. I worked at Lee.

But looking closer the windows are tinted and it’s been debadged in the back so they either had it detailed right away, it’s a used car dealer and you can’t see the plate in the window through the tint, or they are out here just breaking the law. Lived next to neighbors with registrations & stickers years out and they’d still hit up McDonald’s every night with them without observable issues. Idk, not my car and not my problem.


NoHate_95347 t1_izzoef6 wrote

This. Not a dealer but recently purchased a new used vehicle. I could not for life of me, get the back license plates bolts out (to change plates). So covered back plate and put new plate in rear window until able to hardware store. Anyways.... my windows are tinted. I didn’t notice no one could see my new plate until I was at hardware store. Yep felt like a fool lol


Maine_Detailer-IM t1_izzpk4x wrote

They may have wound the wrong screws in and that’s why you can’t get them out. Self tappers on a machine screw threading I bet. That’s a problem I would make the dealer fix for you


oculus42 t1_j00i0dc wrote

It could be a bought-out-of-state issue?

Two of my cars have been new out-of-state purchases and neither came with plates. I drove down to pick up one and had to secure my own temporary transit plates, as Massachusetts couldn't/wouldn't provide temp plates for me. The other was delivered to my driveway with no plates, so it sat in the garage until I could register it.

I didn't drive without plates either time...and driving a Model X they probably have access to another vehicle to go get the registration, but who has the time?!


Maine_Detailer-IM t1_j00iqfc wrote

Writing out temporary license plates I’m sure has some business investment. States vary with laws. Bro dozers bought out of state usually don’t pass our emission laws. That was slack for a few years but I think the law finally caught on


Maine_Detailer-IM t1_j00j399 wrote

Got 3 vehicles I insure and find the time to register in a timely manner. Comes down to priorities. Making sure your vehicle is legal with paperwork and mechanics is up to you. Some people like to bend the laws to save money. People died to get these rules into place so I play along at least for them


diaryofsnow t1_j01au6x wrote

Christ dude it's not a big deal lmao


TheDiceMan2 OP t1_j01cyor wrote

i know. as much as it might not seem that way, i’m actually a reasonable person.

stuff like this only riles me up because my brain immediately jumps (perhaps a bit irrationally) to the scenario where i get into a hit and run and it just so happens to be with the guy with no license plate. or i get hit walking in the street. i know that’s a lot to project on to every driver out there who for whatever reason doesn’t have a plate but i’m not perfect, we all have our thing. this is my little battle to fight. i’m well aware i’m in the minority


DobermanCavalry t1_j02zj7d wrote

> o the scenario where i get into a hit and run and it just so happens to be with the guy with no license plate.

Trust me, increase your uninsured motorist coverage. Its more likely than you might think. It also covers hit and run.