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primordialforms t1_j0414ob wrote

They eat they bad bugs in your house! Fun fact: they will grab ahold of the legs of flies to hitch a ride to a new location!! I've only ever found 2 in my life because they are so small and like to stay hidden where the dust gathers...


KillaVNilla OP t1_j049lc8 wrote

That's so cool. I'd love to see one hitching a ride on a fly


primordialforms t1_j04h175 wrote

There are pictures!


KillaVNilla OP t1_j04idrg wrote

Oh wow. So many pictures. Such a bizarre insect


Farado t1_j04rc3i wrote

> insect

Arachnid, actually! Same class as spiders and actual scorpions.


KillaVNilla OP t1_j05mbur wrote

Lol i knew the use of the word insect was gonna get me in trouble. Cool that these are arachnids though.

Are ticks arachnids or are these guys not related in any way?


bubba1819 t1_j04k3u7 wrote

Yup, they’re very cool. I learned in a college class that they’ll also bitch rides on your dogs by grabbing onto their fur


DidDunMegasploded t1_j04oybj wrote

Do they attack humans, though? That's all I care about as someone that kills bugs for a non-living.


primordialforms t1_j04pm7o wrote

Nope, not at allll. They just want to live in your dust and the cracks in floorboards and eat dust mites amd other critters. And they don't have poison or stings you need to worry about and you wouldn't feel those pincers even if they tried to grab you. Some of the goodest of bugs for bug haters: almost never see them and they eat other bugs


DidDunMegasploded t1_j05edgt wrote

Oh well thank God. I've had...questionable bug experiences before, I wanted to make sure this wasn't the new murder hornet lmao.