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BeatNick5384 t1_j1ohaah wrote

I recently just moved back to the county after about 14 years away. Any questions you have about Aroostook feel free to give me a DM. I work for an agency up here that can connect to a lot of services. If you're extroverted it's not hard to find friends, but it's important to have them up here where things are so isolated. Winters feel crazy long without anyone to talk to. Also if you have a long driveway at all, a snowblower and some windproof cold weather clothing is pretty fantastic. If you're new to winter driving, keep in mind that it doesn't matter how well your car can go in the snow, it matters how well it can stop. Also driving is different at night here. Moose are often too tall to get the eye glint, and they're crazy fast while crossing the road. You really need to keep yourself observant if you can. I'd suggest taking a look into living in Presque Isle if you can. It's a 45 minute commute to Houlton, but there's a few more services and just generally more people.