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MapoTofuWithRice t1_j6jsu0i wrote

Cities have tried to implement that kind of requirement for more than a decade and it never works. If you attach such an onerous affordable housing requirement to a development then the developer will laugh their way to another zip code and build somewhere else.

Give this a watch if you have some time:


WelcomeToTheBough t1_j6ju1i0 wrote

ive followed the issue for a decade. I don't support no more local democracy for real estate goals. Its so funny if this is such a great idea, its not working anywhere!


The crisis is about sub 100k people IMO. If you want an $1800 rent and can swing it , your fine. Live in Boston, live in Maine. If you have money America is fine.


YIMBYism is a fake movement created by Peter Thiel and techies in Cali. Ive watched it spread last decade :)


If you think its progressive to deregulate housing, you be you.


MapoTofuWithRice t1_j6juet7 wrote

Can you show me examples of where deregulating zoning laws and aggressively densifying have failed?