Submitted by t3_10m0pdh in Maine

Hello Maine Redditors!

I am conducting a survey as part of a research project for my internship at Canopy Farms in Brunswick, ME. A rooftop aquaponics greenhouse in partnership with Tao Yuan restaurant. We’re inspired by our mission to grow good food, create good jobs, and support sustainable year-round agriculture in our state. This internship is part of a program through the University of Southern Maine.  We are looking to find out what the popular seafood and produce is that people are buying in the area, and where it is coming from.

We want to serve Maine the best we can! That’s why I need your help finding out what your favorite seafood and produce is. Below is a link to a short survey I created with questions surrounding the topic. 

If you could please take just 1 minute of your time to fill out this survey and share it with a friend or family member from Maine I would greatly appreciate it!



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t1_j60ix81 wrote

One suggestion - when asking how much more one would be willing to spend, specify a baseline. Are we talking per item? Weekly shopping trip?


OP t1_j60kloq wrote

Thanks for the input, I was intending it to be per item how much more would someone spend on the higher quality food.


t1_j610vpo wrote

I took the survey. I was confused by the question on how much extra I’d pay. I’d recommend changing the question to a percentage more because vegetables don’t really come in standard “item” quantities. Paying a $1.00 more for a 10lb bag of potatoes isn’t as big a deal as paying a $1.00 more for a yellow onion, for example.


t1_j60qlmt wrote

I didn't click many of the vegetables because for a lot of the year we grow our own at home. No way am I ever going to pay for a zucchini ever again. Can't give all those things away.


t1_j60gwbg wrote

Done. Good luck with your internship. You may also try putting this on Facebook community pages.


t1_j60mkmp wrote

Submitted! Best of luck on your internship 💜


t1_j634kou wrote

I'm not sure if it matters for your study, but I am willing to pay a lot more for something that is locally grown in soil. I will choose a local, aquaponic product over a conventional product, but I will not pay more for it.


t1_j607wtf wrote

Your form needs work. It makes you look very amateur


t1_j60gzzr wrote

It was a quick survey. It serves its purpose.


t1_j60urqp wrote

Ss an intern they are there to learn. I spent my career in higher ed working woth students. That form had multiple problems and with a little thought could have been much better, something to show a future employer or grad school.


t1_j60wm1f wrote

If you spent your career in higher education working with students, they must not have learned a gd thing because you didn’t offer any constructive criticism or what they could fix on the form.

I filled out the form.

I had no issue.