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t1_j4ctx26 wrote

I came to Maine largely because of climate.... looking at the projections for the next 30+ years in the US, it wasn't hard to narrow down the states that were more resistant combined with cultural aspects (southern states are less ideal since they are more extremist).


t1_j4g4134 wrote

We moved here from FL three years ago, the highest “Pro” on our list was How its going to handle climate change. This winter is a very good example. Already seeing major effects, and we thought we’d have a good 5-10 years of snow. Not so much. Bought 5 acres, with a pool, on the outskirts of town. Smartest thing we’ve done in a long time. Hate being treated as a Praia by most locals, but just could not take the heat and humidity of the south any longer. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was Maine or Minnesota….lol Thank god we avoided the polar vortex!


t1_j4gbk9b wrote

> Already seeing major effects, and we thought we’d have a good 5-10 years of snow.

Yea, things are changing rapidly. I think a lot of people picture climate change as something that will become an issue that will significantly impact them at the end of a 30 or 50 year span, as if some switch will get turned on.

Instead of just the increasingly crappy conditions people have to suffer through. Like this last summer in Kansas before I moved out here was brutal. Most days I just couldn't go outside to work on anything because it was too hot.

And before that I was in California for many years, and every year was more and more forest fires and droughts.

The writing is on the wall, and nowhere do projections say we are on the path towards fixing anything. Instead year after year they just seem to be trying to get everyone used to increasingly extreme outcomes coming in the future... we are at the point where people pray the worse case scenario of 1.5c talked about 10 years ago is "all that happens".


>Hate being treated as a Praia by most locals,

I haven't run into that much yet. Though I didn't come to rural Maine because I was trying to socialize haha.

Generally people just say they like my hat and I say thanks and continue to go about my business.