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Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_j4ekm91 wrote

I mean it is already being overrun by a new wave of well heeled political reactionaries who, while loving their gas guzzlers and showing no comprehension of the greater global drivers of climate change, love to lecture on what we need to do to make ME better for them, and by extension the environment.

So yeah we have/are already being overrun by the Bill Gates brand of eco warrior.

What, fly in a private jet less? Nah that won't make a difference.

Burn wood in a stove to stay warm? Yeah you are fucking killing your unborn great great grandchildren via asphyxiation

How the fuck that guy, who stole Windows and thus billions from others and who paved the way for the antitrust doesn't apply if you get big enough fast enough model, became/was propped up as the beacon of environmental ethics is beyond me.

Bill Gates is just another example of the problem trying to pose as a provider of solutions. Maine is being overrun by that ilk for sure


Accomplished-Bee650 t1_j4enpiz wrote

You don’t understand burning wood for heat or it’s implications.


Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_j4eo3q9 wrote

I do. I also am fully aware that we ignore all the emissions from industrial ocean going shipping around the globe.

Thank you for proving my point.


Accomplished-Bee650 t1_j4eoqan wrote

What? How did I prove your point?


FragilousSpectunkery t1_j4etixl wrote

Times like this it’s best just to admit defeat rather than prolong suffering.


Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_j4et77v wrote

You're right, you didn't prove my point. You only personify the example of the reactionary I described in my initial point.

You want to focus on blaming neighbors who have woodstoves while ignoring that everything we buy is shipped on ships burning the dirtiest fuel we currently refine, with zero emissions/efficiency standards for the ships that burn it, while we continue to increase annual shipping miles every single year. Better still you seem to have no understanding of annual global shipping emissions, which continue to increase year over year, or interest in changing it. If you did, woodstoves would not have been your chosen rebuttal.

Instead you jump at a comment about woodstoves as your point of contention. You aren't responding based on data, but reacting based on your emotional understanding of something you don't like; woodstoves or wood burners.

How can I make such a projection? Because you only want to react to rightful discounting of the global impact of woodstoves by getting defensive or declaring I am ignorant to their impact.

In the context of environmental impact you're tripping over dollars to point at pennies; A low information reactionary.

Yeah, Maine has already been overrun by them.

We can discuss the per annum increase in air miles, and lack of emissions/efficiency standards on commercial and private jets some other time. They too dwarf any impact that the average North American wood stove reliant resident has on the environment at large.
