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TheBookShopOfBF t1_j6n7s6z wrote

I gotta put in a plug for Pleasant Mountain (FKA Shawnee Peak). It's a little farther from you than Lost Valley, but there's a little more room to move around and there are a few great snowboard instructors who often do family lessons.

But the best answer is whichever place is most convenient and that you'll actually go to regularly. If you want to snowboard, you need to get out there and do it and develop the muscle memory and confidence to enjoy it.

Pleasant and Lost Valley are particularly good because they offer night skiing, which can be more convenient and less expensive. Monday nights at Pleasant are only $24 and there's a ton of terrain open under the lights.


OzziesFlyingHelmet OP t1_j6na3hu wrote

Yeah, as appealing as Mt Abram and Pleasant are, Lost Valley is incredibly close - it would save us over 2 hours in traveling alone. We will likely start there, and then venture out beyond if we get hooked. Thanks for the advice!