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FallingWithStyle87 t1_j3f409g wrote

Climate change is real. But is 10 degrees above average really climate change, or is it a weather pattern? As a skier I still have hope that this pattern will flip, and Feb/March will be very cold and snowy.


MoonSnake8 t1_j3f9f12 wrote

I assuming this will just be an unusually warm winter, but as average temperatures rise these kind of winters will be more and more common.


Antnee83 t1_j3gsefm wrote

To anyone who doubts that this is 100% manmade, and is not "just a weather cycle," this is always helpful to look at

TLDR: yes, the climate cycles. Slowly over tens of thousands of years. Since we started burning fossil fuels, the trend is clearly not natural.


FallingWithStyle87 t1_j3gzhaa wrote

I should have said real and man made. I just meant that during a winter, one month can be above average while the next is below average, or vice versa. All monthly averages are definitely creeping up though.