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Hot_Salad9000 t1_j3k6gxl wrote

How are we the dumbest when Texas can’t graduate?


DaytonaDemon t1_j3k85l7 wrote

Yeah, I know a lot of smart Mainers. If that's too anecdotal, the stats indicate that education-wise, Maine is in the midfield. Nothing to be super-proud of, and nothing to get too embarrassed about. Link.


StockLongjumping2029 t1_j3k8rlr wrote

It also says Iowa is the oldest state...I thought that was us?

And what does being the worst at taxes actually mean?

This looks like something thrown together without any real method....but I'm from Maine so maybe they're right?


TimothyOilypants t1_j3mnipd wrote

That's proportion of residents would that number change if we looked at % for people BORN here?


Antnee83 t1_j3lehts wrote

How is Kansas the poorest health but Mississippi leads in obesity (which ALSO isn't fucking true)

How is Nevada the king of "crime" (again, not true) but Oklahoma the Queen of "female criminals"

And I can't stress this enough, how is MINNESOTA the top of "tornados" and not, you know, some fucking state in TORNADO FUCKING ALLEY

Damn near everything on this map is either straight up false, or directly conflicts with something else on the map. It's violently bad.


Commercial-Amount344 t1_j3lhfdg wrote

Maine is rank 10th in the country in education. I am from MO ranked 36th. So......yeah.....My wife in MO had a coworker with a Masters in elementary education that did not know Japan was an island and thought it was all rice patties and huts. The entire room was in shock during a training seminar that Japan had huge skyscrapers and modern cities. I wish I was joking or hyperbole. But they also called the black students' prison babies. So....well that is MO. I have yet to meet a Mainer even drug addicts that can't tell time or count. When it was not that uncommon in MO after high school.