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Sir_Drinks_Alot22 t1_j4qykpk wrote

I always wanted to find other people that bought homes by them to see what problems they have had. Ours are pretty bad. Talked to some lawyers it’s impossible to sue they know everyone the lawyers we talked too won’t take it because of business conflicts or they know them. His brother is their lawyer so go figure.


ChazmasterG t1_j4shm3u wrote

Me and my girlfriend lived in one of their apartment units in Sanford. Every door weighed like a quarter pound because they were made out of literally reinforced cardboard. One day the back door handle literally fell off, both sides just crashed to the ground leaving a big hole in the door. Took them a month and a half to come fix it. Washer started leaking one day so I emailed them 3 times over the course of the week, it took me saying "hey its YOUR building that this water is leaking into not mine, come fix it or don't, I don't give a shit" for them to come fix it. The walls literally only had primer on them, no paint. They never plowed the parking lot. They had electronic locks on the front door to the building but never gave out a code for them, so they were inevitably locked one day and nobody knew how to get them open. Just an absolute clown show through and through. If I could be given one wish in life, it would be for king weinstein to have to huf each and every one of my farts right out of my asshole. Absolute total scum of the earth slumlord, a total waste of skin.


Sir_Drinks_Alot22 t1_j4t1smh wrote

They must have people that have no idea how to even install door knobs. Both our front door and back door ones fell right off with me just opening the doors. Siding blows off in the slightest wind storm. Wooden beam is already rotted out because water wasn’t diverted properly. Had flooding due to piss poor grading. Retaining wall on the verge of collapse and more. Cheap ass fucks that have code inspectors in their pockets.