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RelationshipBig2798 t1_j6n7w69 wrote

We endure cold temps in maine every winter every year. Including last year and the year before. Nothing new. Nothing to fret about. Stop fear mongering. Common sense will prevail.


Guygan t1_j6nafb4 wrote

We haven’t had temps as cold as predicted in about 5 years. There are plenty of folks here who’ve never had to deal with these temps.

Let people spread good advice and good vibes, pls.


RelationshipBig2798 t1_j6nbtj7 wrote

Bs last year was the coldest since 2009. It will be no different for this weekend's short cold front that will come and go. Another nothing burger. It's cold every year. Nothing new and definitely nothing strange about it.


Armigine t1_j6nsc5d wrote

They didn't say there was anything new or strange about it. There will still be people who die, there will be some people who don't know some important cold preparation steps. Nothing wrong with sharing tips, they aren't saying the sky is falling.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j6osgsw wrote

Citation needed.

What's so wrong with passing along good advice to people? Not everyone has been here for 20+ years.


BeardedBaxterholic t1_j6oiyc6 wrote

Oh for crying outloud, I've read some lame comments on reddit but this one takes the cake. Fear Mongering? Against who? Against what? For what gain? Safety? Well being of your neighbors and homes? Take your crappy attitude and go find something positive to do. Your comment could not become any stupider.


ecco-domenica t1_j6no367 wrote

Just like driving in the first snow, the first cold snap takes everyone by surprise. We get out of practice and it helps even the experienced to be reminded of all the big and little things that can affect us in the next few days.


pm_me_ur_cutie_booty t1_j6p706h wrote

Hi, I'm from Oklahoma living in Maine. I find this stuff helpful.


RelationshipBig2798 t1_j6p7t30 wrote

I'm sure alot of simple things help you. Have you knocked on your neighbors door and made sure their okay?
