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lobstah t1_j6acpfs wrote

I live on MDI, and I subscribe to the PPH and the NY Times. The BDN is okay, but I never find much to read there that isn't found elsewhere for free. Emily Burnham and Aislinn Sarnacki are the exceptions, though.


eburnhambdn t1_j6hy9f5 wrote

Hey thanks! We create lots of original content every day, FYI.


lobstah t1_j6l0ljk wrote

Oh, I know you do ! We grab a paper every couple of days each week. Fun Fact : You actually interviewed me once with a photographer outside the Cross Center after I got a Covid shot...thankfully, my mug never showed up in the paper !!!


Odd-Mountain3076 t1_j6aribm wrote

Saranski i know personally, she is an AirBNB baroness and stuck up as hell. The one reason I don't like BDN


IamSauerKraut t1_j6bsvk7 wrote

If you know her personally then why do you not know how to spell her name?